Grand Union Living
Grand Union provide homes for more than 29,000 people
Grand Union Living creates homes for those that need them, provide personal support, and help people to learn, work and be healthy. We offer homes to market rent or homes for sale through shared ownership - a truly affordable route into home ownership.
Shared ownership provides an affordable way to buy a home. You purchase a share in a new home and pay a subsidised rent on the part you don't own. It’s designed to help you buy a home, it’s flexible, allowing you to buy more of your home in the future, can cost less than renting and you know you are investing in your home rather than just paying 100% rent.
You will have the same rights and responsibilities as a home owner, such as carrying out repairs and ensuring the contents of your home are insured.
The initial share you buy will be based on what you can afford. Most of our shared owners buy an initial 35% and pay rent on the remainder. In time you can buy more of your home.
We have a range of properties that we sell, so shared ownership could help you buy your next home if you’re a first time buyer, down sizing or coming out of a relationship or even if you’re looking for a larger home.
Shares start from 10% of the full market value. The maximum initial share available is 75%